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The synopsis to this film is “ A recounting of the chaotic events that occurred at Dallas’ Parkland Hospital on the day U.S. Did they say, “Shit we don’t have enough material to do just the ER.” Now maybe the writers thought this was a good idea to do a film about the hospital and not the same old format. Yes in the beginning we get that, but then it begins to explore Zapruder, we shift to Robert Oswald and his mother, The Secret Services agents, The Reporters and then back to the hospital. Parkland is really, well suppose to be about the events at the Hospital Kennedy and Oswald where taken too. If you wanna watch a good movie about this part of history watch Oliver Stone’s JFK. So how does this film work covering the events that took place on that day? Well it’s kind of…

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Every 22nd of November I sit in front of my TV and binge watch. The assassination has always been an interest of mine for awhile now because I’m the history type of guy and not a conspiracy type. I’m talking about the assassination of John F. It peak my interest mostly due to the event this film takes place on. Parkland is one of those films you hear about then count till the day it comes out.

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